Apex Home Technology
(866) 252-APEX (2739)

Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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Energy Efficiency & More

You may have what most people would think is an energy efficient home with a high-efficiency heating and air conditioning unit, a properly insulated attic, and energy efficent windows.  But you are more than likely still losing heat and air in your home! Contact APEX to help you make your home more energy efficient.

Air Loss

Think about this — if you had a hole the size of a basketball or larger in your living room wall, you'd notice the warm or cool air escaping your house, right?

Attic scuttle holes, attic hatches, recessed lights, fireplace dampers, windows, doors, laundry duct holes, and even electrical outlets all allow heat and air transfer in your home. The problem is that homeowners rarely even think to seal these areas properly!

Attic Sealing

It's not easy to access some of these areas, and that's where we can help. APEX has helped properly seal thousands of houses, saving homeowners time and money while creating a more comfortable living environment.

Common Attic Air Leaks